Friday, September 21, 2012

Tarrytowne's New and Reinvented Fish Pond!



Candy Tasting Party faciliated by Tarrytowne resident Maggie Mann!!

"Sweet Tooth" September: Candy Tasting party included sugar free candies of all sorts!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Crazy Hat Fashion Show!


Residents Design there own outlandish hats, and model them for our "Crazy Hat Fashion Show"!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Angelica Cupa! Tarrytowne's "Dancing Queen"!

Ms. Cupa is a retired dance instructor from THE Fred Astaire Dance Studio in New York City!

"Life's a Peach" Party!

The ULTIMATE dessert Party!
Peach cobbler and ice cream, Peach candies, Peach flavored beverages!