Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tarrytowne Estates Milestones

Troy Van Dyke  presented Geraldine Hand
with a certificate, celebrating 5 years at Tarrytowne Estates.

Pam and Troy Van Dyke presented Phyllis Auman with a certificate,
celebrating 10 years at Tarrytowne Estates.

Relaxing at Tarrytowne Estates in the Texas Heat!

Pete was enjoying the pool, one afternoon.

One of our resident turtles, decided it was time to sunbathe. 
Do you notice that the hind legs are stretched out?

Mitzie was outside enjoying the sun, just stretching and relaxing in the grass.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Dinner out with the Managers - Sharky's

Residents love going out to
Dinner with the Managers - Pam and Troy Van Dyke.
We returned to Sharky's, our favorite neighborhood eatery for a new Early Bird Menu.

Sherman and his daughter Janine, enjoyed their food.

Darlene and Carter Blake, each one a gift certificate for
 a special meal at Tarrytowne Estates.  They are going to combine their certificate
 and plan a big dinner for their family.

It's always a full bus!

Our Managers and Marketing Specialists -
(left to right) Keith, Troy, Danielle, Anna and Pam.
Thanks for making our meal fun and enjoyable.

Tarrytowne Library

We are re- organizing our library at Tarrytowne Estates. 
We have sorted through the books and magazines. 
Books that were too old or duplicates were donated to charity. 
Several residents have started working on separating the books into
 different categories and alphabetizing by authors.
Thank you so much for you help and
 dedication to making the library look great!

Jerry Oakley is organizing the Religious and Inspirational Books.

Beating the Heat at our Tropical Float Social

Our Activity Director Laura, provided residents with
Tropical Floats to a help beat the 100 degree temperatures in Texas.
The residents enjoyed music and floats while relaxing
in the air conditioned living room at Tarrytowne.
Jim couldn't wait to try his tropical float!

Betty enjoyed her float so much that she had seconds!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Harry Sheppard and his Vibraphone

Harry Sheppard came to our rescue at the last minute when 
Barbara Jennings became ill this past Friday night. 
The Happy Hour was sponsored by Living Hope Health Care.
Harry Sheppard - Jazz Vibraphonist

Becky with Living Hope got the residents involved in a conga line.

Everyone was up and dancing to the music.

Harry was wonderful, he discussed the special instrument
and the different sounds that it could be created.

The Winner is.......

The name of the new Country Store at Tarrytowne Estates
is "The Sunshine Store".
Congratulations to DD Durant for suggesting the new name. 
It was voted on by the residents in a ballot last week. 
The new store will open in September 2013. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Enjoying Ice Cream on a Hot Afternoon in Texas

Our once a month Ice Cream Social is a HIT! 
Residents come out of the buildings to
 socialize and listen to music in the Living Room.
Mildred Bremer was enjoying a sundae.

Mitzie was trying to eat her sundae before the heat melted the ice cream.

Karl and Phyllis were enjoying some sundaes.

Joy stopped by after her appointment to
cool down with some ice cream!


Wii Bowling

Laura, our Activity Director has restarted Wii Bowling at Tarrytowne Estates.
Here are just some of the new residents learning how to play.
Those who were watching, were cheering on certain bowlers.
Stoney was impressed with his game!

Mary Lou was a former bowler,
she was quite interested in this new way to bowl - no heavy ball to throw.

Ellen was hoping to get a Strike!

WOW ....What a group!

Due to the rain this past Monday, we had
one of our biggest Bingo groups - 20 people.
Fun was had by all, some were newcomers to the group!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Beating the Heat with Watermelon!

It was 100 degrees outside on Thursday, July 11th here in Houston, Texas -
 so our wonderful Activity Director Laura provided
the residents with cold refreshing watermelon!
Jerry Lloyd seemed to be enjoying her slice!

Carol was enjoying her second peice of watermelon.

Elmer and Jeanine had just came from outside
and were handed a plate of refreshing watermelon.

Boy, What a Group!

Our favorite pianist, Dot Marshall returned from
medical leave and we had a full house for her return. 
Everyone was so excited to have her back,
 our voices were just not the same without the piano music.

Resident Bill Smith is our vocal leader. 
He keeps the residents in line and on tune!

New Exercise Bar

Dante Santi tried out the new exercise bar in our Fitness Center.. 
It allows residents to have safety and balance when they do certain exercises.

More to come.... A new exercise pully system will be installed,
allowing a greater choice in our Fitness Center

Monday, July 8, 2013

Curtis Nickelson at the Piano - Celebrate America!

We continued celebrating
America's Independence through Friday!
One of our favorite entertainers
 returned for an old fashioned patriotic sing along!
Curtis entertained the residents
with stories, jokes and wonderful music.
Curtis played a little ragtime!

The residents and family members visiting enjoyed the program.

Fourth of July BBQ Buffet

We celebrated America's Independence Day
with a wonderful BBQ Buffet!
All the favorites were served - cole slaw, potato salad,
baked beans, brisket, sausage and bbq chicken.
Our dessert was warm blueberry or cherry cobbler.
Laura and several residents decorated the
Dining Room in Red, White and Blue.

Troy was showing off the brisket to Jeanine Goldsmith.

Nell and Bernice were enjoying the patriotic music.

Madelon and Bill Smith were showing off their patriotic clothing.

Sarah was enjoying the blueberry cobbler.

We had a packed house for the buffet.

The Barrackman's enjoyed the food.

Judy and Steven enjoyed the food with new resident Nancy Quasenick.