Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tarrytowne Estates is in full bloom!

We are so lucky to live in Texas where flowers bloom year around. 
The residents and our Garden Club take care of their
personal flowers and some of the container gardens around Tarrytowne Estates.
Here are just some of the blooms.......
Gardinas in bloom by our Holly building

One of our many flower gardens....

Mary Lou Robinson was admiring the red salvia by the Bristol Building.

Our prized rose garden!

Antique Tea Roses hidden in a corner by the pond.

The yellow lilies are just starting to bloom by the pond.

Tropical Hibicus in bloom by the pool
Yellow Cannas by the pond.

Flowers lining our walkway to the patio above the pond.

Even our poinsettia plants are starting to bloom again!
One of our beautiful roses, just beginning to open.

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